NaNo Stats: 17,486 [dismal & counting---]

Africa is killing off the elephants because human beings can't control themselves and continue to leave them less and less territory in which to live. [See: South Africa to cull excess elephants ] And on the whole we’ve failed miserably as masters of the stewardship of this planet we call Earth. Who exactly is going to end up suffering most from the stupidity and arrogance of a handful of highly-educated minds who want the opportunity to better study them? What more do we truly need to know? And to what end? So that—well, providing they even survive the process and aren’t mentally challenged beyond pooping and pacing—it's easy enough to see their ultimate demise by helicopter tours. Ending up as head mounts on the proud and glorius walls of private or secluded retreats of wealthy Great White Hunters.
There's my rant for the day. Exc-e-e-p-t! [extended rant]There’s a new movie coming out [no, I don’t remember the title], but the trailer shows a family (or friends?) sitting around the table while someone uses the word, “conversate.” Please, please, P-L-E-E-E-A-S-E tell me someone is going to correct him in the subsequent dialog! If I hear that word (along with “conversating”) in an immediate one-on-one conversation ONE MORE TIME— well, I simply cannot be held responsible for the carnage that is likely follow. Heaven help the soul that converses and evokes my rath![/extended rant]
As you can determine above, yesterday's NaNo writing didn't proceed as planned. I ended up
conversing at length, with my sister over the phone, about the upcoming holidays and family matters. Thanksgiving is going to be simple, but-- I did want to take my sweet potato souffle. I don't have the money to pay back my sister and brother-in-law for the new car battery and the groceries they brought to me during the Great Wind Storm of 2008, but I know he (and my mother) likes that dish. So, it's the least I can do. I may surprise them all with a quart of homemade pumpkin ice cream as well. No. They don't read my blogs, so they'll be none the wiser!

I also spent some time sorting through some of my more recent digital photos of orbs. I'm working on an entry for Quill of the Heart, but I'll probably upload and share few more images on my Pearls of Wisdom site for the Thanksgiving update.
All that aside, if I'm going to accomplish any writing other than this today, I'd best be off and get cracking!
Blessings to All,
LOL. NO, please don't bring back enormous herd animals that can gore us or plow us over. Although, I'm the lucky owner of about a 1/3rd a mammoth molar. Very cool!!! But I'm a geek so it's okay. On another note, after Hurricane Ike huffed and puffed and blew our billboards over here in Houston, I saw a new sign posted: GR8 R8S. OMHIGAWD, are they going to use such bad spelling on every sign now because your young adults can only read text messaging. Maybe I should just get with the program and call it the new shorthand... ;) Skhye
Oh, I forgot my "?". But I had a toddler waving a spoon in my face screaming for more peanutbutter. At least, the typo wasn't in a manuscript!!! LOL
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