NaNo Stats: 17,486 [currently & holding: ---]
COLD, COLD, COLD!!!! That’s the forecast for— well, they don’t really know how long it'll be before we warm back up. Meaning, the local weatherman stated last night we're running at least 10 degrees below normal for this time of year. That holds with my belief that the seasons are off. Even last week there were still too many trees holding on to most of their leaves. Fall is not quite over and Winter is simply too fast setting in. And, while I'm on the topic of weather, the morning and evening clouds [though not the first time] were an odd shade of red yesterday. And the sky in the east last night— I grew up with the old grammar school adage, "Red Sky at Night, Sailors Delight" —it was not that kind of red.
On a much lighter and healing note, a friend circulated a link to the YouTube video of Many Voice and their performance at the Maumee Powwow in October. Raymond Roach, [born on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation, SD & sitting in the plaid shirt] is the drumkeeper. I responded to his email first to say thank you for forwarding the link, and that it was nice to finally see Many Voice on YouTube, but second to relay how listening just made me feel good. The best medicine doesn't always come via the traditional prescription pad. I just wish the video ran the full length of the song. Enjoy! powwow2008

Now, on to the business of writing. I visited Lea Schizas' blog again yesterday and want to share the following post: Lea's Rotating Disc Method. I already have it noted for my upcoming goal setting sessions. I can see the benefit and this may well remedy the dreaded Out of Sight, Out of Mind Syndrome.
As I finished sharing Lea's recent post, I gave thought to setting up a Resource header on the side bar. I like the idea of sharing posts, articles, etc., that I've found helpful. Look for that soon.
Okay, though it's another late start, I'm off to NaNo. My goal today is to hit 20K!
Have a great day!
Thank you for sharing my method. It may add up to a lot of discs depending on the amount of work you begin but at least every single work gets to move forward at some point.
The trick is NOT to go past a disc because you are just not in the frame of mind for that particular project.
You'll be surprised how many times I did this in the beginning and finally decided this was silly. Most of those projects are now done and over with.
Just added your blog in my FAV LINKS in my own blog.
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