It's a beautiful November morning! I'll take the warmth, though I know it should be colder. But that's a whole other Oprah Show and blog.
I'm almost at a lack for words to say how thrilled I was to hear Clan Chickadee singing at the feeders today. They’ve been somewhat MIA of late. When I peered out through the upstairs window, I delighted in the sight of an entire herd fluttering in and around my humble little pine tree. They are truly an expression of cheer, and I welcome Chickadee as my Guide today.
The cupboards and refrigerator are finally restocked. I managed to get out to the grocery this morning; very early so as to avoid crowded checkout lanes. My treats for the coming week? Homemade berries, bananas, and cream smoothies. Yes! I bought some carrots too. I’ll churn up a few carrots and apples into smoothies as well. I also bought some fresh sage for a pot or three of tea. I have found nothing more soothing than the first swallow of sage tea.
And oh what Joy! On my way to and from the store, I marveled that the price of gasoline is now $1.97. That’s ONE DOLLAR and 97 cents. I've read where some believe the recent drop in price is nothing more than a tactic to buy our vote for Senator McCain. Can't say that's what I'll be thinking on when I head back out to fill up my tank.
No Mini Halloween contest winner announced yet. No matter. Moving on!
Now, to the essence of the post. As regards Day One? All in all it was not a bad first day effort. What surprised me was just how impossible it is to maneuver NaNoWriMo.org. OMG! I logged in yesterday [after half a dozen tries], and could see my profile. But entering my word count was absolute frustration. I couldn’t get into the forums, the word count widgets aren’t working— I’ll end my rant there. UGH!!!! Though I managed to eventually upload 2102 words to my NaNo Stats, I ended the day with 2127.
Since I uploaded the current draft of book one's Prologue onto a hidden page of my Chronicles website, and I believe I have Chapter One saved on a disc, I started yesterday with Chapter Two ~ A Mother's Touch. I’m pleased to state a fair amount of what I keyed is new; a more in depth POV of the mother and narrator. I also have a working Word.doc file up at all times, to note anything not necessarily revelent to the subject matter at hand. I have another one specifically relating to potential research.
And, during Muse2008, I signed up for Linda Jo Martin’s, Perspectives of Writing. I thought I’d share her beautiful November 1st post, A NaNoWriMo Moment: Stillness Speaks. I trust you'll enjoy it as much as I did.
I’m off now, to begin Day Two. I’m off to monitor my blood pressure, smudge and cleanse the energy, light incense at my alter of creativity, and to meditate on my chakras [as they are in desperate need of attention!]. And then? Well, there's a huge mug of coffee to savor first. Then! To write. To Create. To NaNo!
Blessings to you all,
I'm almost at a lack for words to say how thrilled I was to hear Clan Chickadee singing at the feeders today. They’ve been somewhat MIA of late. When I peered out through the upstairs window, I delighted in the sight of an entire herd fluttering in and around my humble little pine tree. They are truly an expression of cheer, and I welcome Chickadee as my Guide today.
The cupboards and refrigerator are finally restocked. I managed to get out to the grocery this morning; very early so as to avoid crowded checkout lanes. My treats for the coming week? Homemade berries, bananas, and cream smoothies. Yes! I bought some carrots too. I’ll churn up a few carrots and apples into smoothies as well. I also bought some fresh sage for a pot or three of tea. I have found nothing more soothing than the first swallow of sage tea.
And oh what Joy! On my way to and from the store, I marveled that the price of gasoline is now $1.97. That’s ONE DOLLAR and 97 cents. I've read where some believe the recent drop in price is nothing more than a tactic to buy our vote for Senator McCain. Can't say that's what I'll be thinking on when I head back out to fill up my tank.
No Mini Halloween contest winner announced yet. No matter. Moving on!

Since I uploaded the current draft of book one's Prologue onto a hidden page of my Chronicles website, and I believe I have Chapter One saved on a disc, I started yesterday with Chapter Two ~ A Mother's Touch. I’m pleased to state a fair amount of what I keyed is new; a more in depth POV of the mother and narrator. I also have a working Word.doc file up at all times, to note anything not necessarily revelent to the subject matter at hand. I have another one specifically relating to potential research.
And, during Muse2008, I signed up for Linda Jo Martin’s, Perspectives of Writing. I thought I’d share her beautiful November 1st post, A NaNoWriMo Moment: Stillness Speaks. I trust you'll enjoy it as much as I did.
I’m off now, to begin Day Two. I’m off to monitor my blood pressure, smudge and cleanse the energy, light incense at my alter of creativity, and to meditate on my chakras [as they are in desperate need of attention!]. And then? Well, there's a huge mug of coffee to savor first. Then! To write. To Create. To NaNo!
Blessings to you all,
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