Thursday, November 20, 2008

Resource List Pending

Writing Tip of the Day: Nov. 20, 2008
Always take the attitude of a learner in your writing
and be open to new insights from any source.
I'm a proponent of learning being a never-ending process. The creative mind simply never knows when inspiration might strike, and is many times clueless of what source may ignite the flame. There is never a promise of where one ends up discovering that perfect tidbit of knowledge they didn't even know to look for, and I believe it important to share what I found of value with those who may otherwise never have sought it out.
As stated in a previous post [Click here for: Lea's Rotating Disc Method], I'm going to include a Resource List in the side bar that most likely will not appear until after the first of the year. The idea simply hasn't found its proper place, yet, in the milieu of goal setting priorities.

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