Good November Morn!
Yes. I didn't wake up from that nap yesterday, until around 8 p.m. And I felt just about as tired as before I laid myself back down. If it’s what my body needs right now, I intend to allow it. But! I awoke again, around 1 a.m., and seeing as how I’d intended to start at midnight, I came up here, set myself down and eventually logged in 257 NaNoWords. That was about all my brain could handle. [whine]It’s all just part of my challenge![/whine.]
Before this current bout of fatigue set in, I shopped for and ordered my new programmable moist heat heating pad, and I am merely waiting for the site-to-store pickup notice. It should be here early next week.
The winner of that Mini Halloween Contest will be announced today. It’s not like there’s a contract is in the offing, but— I’d like to believe I wrote something worthy of a win. We shall see. Regardless, I’ll post either a link or the snippet here and let the judging begin.
Yes. I didn't wake up from that nap yesterday, until around 8 p.m. And I felt just about as tired as before I laid myself back down. If it’s what my body needs right now, I intend to allow it. But! I awoke again, around 1 a.m., and seeing as how I’d intended to start at midnight, I came up here, set myself down and eventually logged in 257 NaNoWords. That was about all my brain could handle. [whine]
Before this current bout of fatigue set in, I shopped for and ordered my new programmable moist heat heating pad, and I am merely waiting for the site-to-store pickup notice. It should be here early next week.
The winner of that Mini Halloween Contest will be announced today. It’s not like there’s a contract is in the offing, but— I’d like to believe I wrote something worthy of a win. We shall see. Regardless, I’ll post either a link or the snippet here and let the judging begin.
Now, to focus on NaNoWriMo.
Yesterday morning I managed to create a little NaNo graphic. And, as I thought on how to proceed today I am reminded of the tip, earlier in the week, about one’s writing not being set in stone. I wrote that I sometimes tend to leave things unsaid. Right now, I believe erring on the side of overdoing it would be of benefit. If I take nothing for granted, I can always edit out or rework a scene and weave descriptions into action or to flow with dialog in a subsequent edit.
There's also the confusion over opposing critiques--too much description versus leave it to the their imagination--which also has me at odds. Not every reader will know the experience of hiking a mountain trail. It’s my responsibility to share what it’s like.
Regardless the thinking process, music is a must today. When the moving-in-reverse beep-beep-BEEP! sounded outside and startled my girls from their respective windows this morning, I looked out to find that my next door neighbors are moving. Drowning out their goings-on is a necessity.
As regards 30 Tips for 30 Days? Day One: Words on Paper!
As regards 30 Tips for 30 Days? Day One: Words on Paper!
Ok! I fixed a good breakfast, took my meds and vitamins, and now I'm off to Tim Horton’s, for a large Cappuccino. Then? Back here to NaNo my quota for the day.
Ok! I fixed a good breakfast, took my meds and vitamins, and now I'm off to Tim Horton’s, for a large Cappuccino. Then? Back here to NaNo my quota for the day.
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