
This is just a quick update to let you know there are a few new features on my side bar.
I added an inspirational Quote of the Month. There's also a Word of the Day widget from http://www.dictionary.com/. Plus, if you scroll down past the Writing Tip of the Day, you'll find that RESOURCES list I mentioned a few posts back.
[ADDED/UPDATED 12-31-2008] Buy way of an invitation to be a Friend, I opened up a FaceBook account today. Just click here and view my fledgling profile. I don't know all the ins and outs of FaceBooking, so be patient with me while it grows. It will blossom in its own time. Whilst the seed doeth germinate, stop by and say a writerly hello.
Scroll down a little farther and you can enjoy my YouTube Playlist of Music to Inspire Your Muse. There are currently 40 songs in my Soul Echoes Mood Music Channel; a companion to this blog. You'll find several videos in the playlist from both David and Diane Arkenstone, and almost as many from Loreena McKennitt. There are also the Adagio for Strings, Agnus Dei, and Moonlight Sonata. And, a few vocals from Josh Groban, Peter Gabriel, Enrique Iglesias, and Jon Secada.
So, you can take a gander below and see what might inspire, or simply scroll through, find a song you like, and partake in a little background music while you visit my blog. If you click on the arrow on the left, that will take you to the Adagio, a couple versions of the Sonata, and to the vocals. Clicking on the arrow to the right starts you off with the Arkenstones, followed by Loreena McKennitt.
My list of favorites will grow with time, and I'll no doubt create more mood-specific playlists, i.e., native drums and flutes, vocals separate from instrumentals, etc.; but, for now~~ .. I offer the current list purely for enjoyment! Okay-- I'd like to inspire as well.
More soon.
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