Some will remember I spoke about my ironing board [though considerably useful in more ways than one] , as the sore point in the studio. When I leave it out it restricts my movement. And I’m constantly dragging it back and forth; in and out of the way. I’ll address the suggestions made during the tour soon. For now, -- if anyone can figure a way to put wheels on this, I’m game to give it a try!
ANYway, here’s a look [below] inside my studio closet. Yardage is generally relegated to the shelf. I picked up three lap throw-sized fleece blankets on sale for $1.99 each. I used one as the batting in the log cabin quilt that I finished earlier this year.
Due to my health limitations, I need to seriously readdress the use of all of these tubs. I can’t move them about like I used to; they’re simply too heavy. Hence, whenever I return something to that area, it all gets layed out on top of the tubs and not back inside. I need easier access to the fabrics, and was truly inspired by many of the fabric artists and quilters [of the above-mentioned tour] who store their stashs out in the open; whether in baskets or shelves or bookcases.
*ADDED 10-28: Candied Fabrics, Cloth to Creation,
I took a day last week, when I felt like getting out and about, and stopped in a local thrift store to see what I might find. Nothing to use for shelving, but I did leave with a vintage handkerchief and a small beaded bracelet that I may work into a handbag or an art quilt.
To the left is where I hang certain yardage such as velvets and recently-washed unbleached muslin. These are waiting for various dye baths. There are also a few tops and skirts waiting to be repurposed as well. I bought two tops a few years back and tried on only one of them. Though the inserts and fabrics were nothing but a variation on the same theme [and pattern], when I got home I found that one sleeve was a good 2-3 inches longer than the other. Needless to say, it still has the ticket on it and waits patiently for my undivided attention.
To the right are storage units for printer and graphic paper, along with photo mats and small picture frames.
A couple of years later, Hancock Fabrics went out of business, but by then I no longer had the funds for that kind of shopping, as medical bills took priority.
On a closing note: Anyone need a little flat bottom one of a kind status bag?
This is my Garden Lantern Handbag [named for the oriental lanternesque beads that I used.] and it is ju-u-ust about ready for sale. It needs a finishing touch here and there, and then it is done. The surprise is the beadwork and silk ribbon embroidery on the inside of the bag.
Time to focus some attention on building up my Etsy account. I registered for HeartSong Studios earlier this year, but I don't like some of the things I've heard, recently, about PayPal, i.e. putting holds on sellers's accounts [a huge complaint on ebaY], and most recent, putting holds on revolving balances. Okaaay, that's another topic for discussion for another time. But-- if anyone has any input on Etsy and PayPal, feel free to leave a comment. I value enduser experience.
Thanks for stopping by.
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