Due to my health issues, what time I focus on any given subject is limited and oft times severely challenged. Brain fog and loss of concentration are frustrating at best. The circle can begin to seem quite vicious. And once anxiety rears its ugly little head I am left with the choice of taking a few measured steps back and away.
But sitting things out is not what I like to do best. And to my disfavor I do not multi-task as well as I used to do. But I also knew I needed to set limitations and focus my limiting time only on what best suits my needs.
I’ll speak to Facebook and Twitter and their ilk in an upcoming post. After visiting Vintage Legacy Studios yesterday, I have somewhat of a good head start on the matter. For now, though, I want to introduce a new website; built out of need to serve a friend’s suggestion [and her helpful subtle attempt to refocus my attention] and subsequent needs. I may not have been aTweeting, but I was not totally Tweetless.
When asked basic questions like, how long will it take to build one and to best serve their needs, I pulled these pages together in order to remember all that is required to build a website. Little things are easy to forget until you are forced to institute them into reality. Juuust a slight bit important when asked to build one for someone else.

I'd built a website many years back and designed several websets and mock up pages. But it’s a long story as to why it and the graphics no longer exist. It died around the time I designed a series of black lace graphics, of which only a fragment survived.
Though HeartSong Studio was built using backgrounds tiles found at Graphics by Ivy, [and which I still consider a work in progress], I have since created a whole range of new background tiles. If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll recognize one of my Vintage Collection tiles. Click on the banner above and it will take you to the first of two pages of coordinated tiles. I’m still trying to decide which to use when I completely redesign this site.
I’ve used many tiles and websets, over the years, from many other designers. I offer mine, now, free for use on any personal, non-commercial website or blog, and it is my way of giving back. I merely ask for the standard reciprocal link back to HeartSong Studio. http://heartsonggraphics.tripod.com/ [Studio logos are pending.]
This site will also showcase EarthSong Photography, along with my current sewing and other creative projects. Another good reason to focus on setting up my Etsy shop?
Yesterday I pulled out the hand knit sections I want to use to create a shawl. And I have a scarf, hat, and fingerless gloves set to complete. Also coming soon? Look for my Knitting Jewels. I just figured out how I want to photograph them, so they're on their beautiful way.
That's it for now.
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