Remember that nail file I talked about? Well, just as I opened up this editing session, Lucy dropped and gifted another one at my feet; the dark grey finishing file. Yes. She targeted both of them.
It's official. The crazy weather has just set in. In less than four days, SW OH went from couldn't-have-been-more-perfect 60 degree-ish Spring weather, to tornado warnings [late Sunday afternoon and into the night], and then back down [literally overnight] to freeze warnings and snow. It is currently snowing. Big flakes. Enough to create a light dusting on the ground. And all this extreme up and down is wrecking havoc on my inner ear. This is the time of year I need the air pressure to go one way or the other. And I usually don't much care which!
An email exchange, which began over the weekend, will hopefully and finally [long story there] result in being able to meet with a friend in order to get her communication website up and running. How soon depends entirely on how I manage health-wise. I did accomplish a good hour's worth of research this morning, looking at and bookmarking sites similar in nature, in order to better suggest her wants and needs.
I keep adding more items to my Focus for April list, so-- it is likely more fair to consider this as my overall 2009 To Do list. Oh. I have a Word.doc which shows a much greater focus; most of which I've yet to publish here. Or anywhere else for that matter.
Since I don't have a major following, it's not like today's post would even have been missed, but-- I almost forgot what day it was. And one of those Focus items is maintaining my Tuesday’s Tips and Friday Five Favorites. With that said, here is this week’s health-related tip.

Especially when working in an environment where others have access to public computers, i.e. shared workspaces [1st or 2nd shifts, etc.], training rooms, public libraries, etc. That’s a lot of cross contamination going on. Any given individual knows where his or her own hands have or have not been. But we simply cannot know and/or trust what someone else does.
Think on the number of times you may have witnessed someone walking back out of a public restroom without having washed their hands. I’ve been there and seen that happen. And was TOTALLY amazed by one executive who did so.
Swab tests show keyboards are the perfect host of bacteria that is hazardous to our overall health. A recent televised episode indicated women's keyboards were the worst, because women tend to keep food and eat at their desks.
Certain of our writing tools are too easily taken for granted. A keyboard is one of those things no one truly gives much thought to when they get too busy with or are mired in Life. One merely pulls out the lap drawer, flips up the top, or unburies their keyboard and gets to work.
So! Pull out a few cotton swaps and the bottle of rubbing alcohol and carefully clean those keyboards and keys.
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