Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tweet Tweetly-tweet...

While I get the value of networking on Twitter [See, Lori Widmer's What I Finally Get About Twitter], I'm finding it juuust a little harder to navigate than what's professed. I know interviews and conversations are held there on a regular basis, and I've seen other writers posting numerous updates a day. But I seem allowed only one.
If I post one even few hours from the initial day's update, either the first one disappears, or my current one doesn't post at all. Though I'm still waiting for my ticket to be assigned, any help will be greatly appreciated.
[Update: I just managed a second post on Twitter!
Fingers cross-ed that my dilemma is solv-ed!]
I had a bad reaction, this week, to the new NSAID Arthrotec. Exhaustion set in Wednesday, to the extent I felt ready to crash, and was followed by a spike in my blood pressure Thursday evening. I started feeling bad around 10:45pm. There was nothing to explain the change since I'd been sitting, with my legs up on the ottoman, all evening. I took a BP reading and found it at 150 over 101. Pulse was a seemingly normal at 65.
When I woke at 5:15am the next morning, still feeling bad, I took another reading. 160 over 101, though my pulse was up to 70. I took myself off the dosage for the day, called my personal physician [who wants me on one tablet a day], and woke up this morning at 148 over 90. Pulse down to 61.
My prescription was changed as the OA is now showing up in my hands. That along with the fibromyalgia in my ankles, needless to say-- I've been concerned.
Part of this year's writing-related goals was to set up for writing-related activities downstairs; when I'm in my all-too-often, periodic recovery modes. I generally use this time for my knitting. But, as I was able to accomplish Wednesday, I had several notebooks [too many notebooks!] and topics to sort through and into their own respective files. That was partially achieved. As I could no longer sit at my desk, I did feel I accomplished SOMETHING along the lines of productivity; while sorting through all that long-hand.
Oh! Yesterday I won a free coffee from Tim Horton. They're playing RRROLL UP -THE RIM TO- WIN, again, and I'm shooting for a laptop. One of those would be quite helpful when I'm relegated to the couch and recovery.
Though I still need to take it easy today, there is also laundry to tackle.
More soon,

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