Writing Tip of the Day: April 6, 2008
As a book author, it's your responsibility to cast a vision for your book
about the length and the appearance before you pitch the idea to a publisher.
Vision. Oh! I've always known how my Chronicles should look. Getting it all down in words has been the struggle. For me, The Forbidden World Chronicles is easy to envision. I see an old world bound cover, with parchment or handmade paper with torn edges. I see blocked scroll work calligraphic design, lettering and archaic fonts used in the title pages.
I have synopses for a three book series, and have several short story ideas that would fall nicely into an anthology format, called Puzzle Pieces. I started a website to help introduce The Forbidden World Chronicles. There is also the companion weblog, Diary of a Prisoner, in Dellasseea N'Syis' own voice; written as an open letter to a once future-born son.
Since the subject matter lends itself well to special effects, I see a movie being made. The storyline is other-worldly and multi dimensional. It would make seen, the Crystallines, the Creator Race. The children of the First Ones. Inter-dimensional beings unseeable to the third dimension physical, human eyes.
Yes. I know my project. I have the vision. I just need to right agent to see it as well.

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