
I’ve posted a link to her blog more than once already, but it bears repeating. Lori Widmer is a great resource for freelance writers. She is also a champion for fair working wages [Writer’s Worth Day], and not selling oneself short.
No. 2—The Urban Muse
I found Susan Johnston’s site via Twitter [UrbanMuseWriter], and find it to be another great source of information. See: 5 Tips for Organizing Source Material or I Said, He Said, We Said
No. 3—Freedom From The Mundane
Okay! I’m more familiar right now with his website and Twitter posts, but— I’m a few chapters into Colin Galbraith's, Stella, [Yes. You read right! Review pending—and more about that soon!], and subscribed to his blog a day or so back. Check out his first stop on the blog tour for:
No. 4—Quips and Tips
Another Twitter find, Laurie Pawlik-Keinlen’s site is another great resource for both the beginning and seasoned writer. As goes her Tweets? They're filled with inspiring quotes and quips.
No. 5—Working Writer’s Coach
Lastly, I met Suzanne Lieurance during last year’s Muse Online Writer’s Conference, and subscribed to her Build Your Business Write newsletter soon after. Do yourself a favor and meet up with her as well.
Though I linked only a few, all [myself included] tweet regularly on Twitter.
That's it for today. More posts pending. Reeeeally!
Thanks for mentioning my Quips & Tips blog, L.L.!
I'm sorry you've been offline lately, and that you're dealing with fibro and other health issues. I have ulcerative colitis -- it's not nearly as bad as fibro, but it's a pain in the ass (literally!).
Hey -- I just remembered that a writer friend of mine wrote an article called 7 Tips for Writing With a Chronic Illness (http://theadventurouswriter.com/blogwriting/quoted-writers/7-tips-for-writing-with-a-chronic-illness/) for my blog. It might help -- and if you have any tips or questions, I welcome your input!
See you in cyberspace :-)
I'm not familiar with ulcerative colitis, but sounds like nothing I desire to add to the mix. (~:
I wish you well, Laurie!!!!
And thank you, for the link to the article. I will definitely surf on over there and give it a read.
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