Saturday, January 10, 2009
Queries and Ghosts
Friday, January 9, 2009
The Sum of a Word

You see life as precious, and you wish everyone was safe, happy, and taken care of. Social justice, human rights, and peace for all nations are all important to you.
.While you can't stop war, you try to be as calm and compassionate as possible in your everyday life. You promote harmony and cooperation. You're always willing to meet someone a little more than halfway.
My writing goals for January, as of yesterday, now have a new focus. Earlier this week, I posted a Slide presentation—in pseudo book format [which has since been pulled from this blog]—to solicit reader input. I gave thought, while brainstorming, to the possibility of reformatting it into a children’s picture book, A Day at the Marsh. I also contacted Lea Schizas, direct, for her perspective.
So, part of January will now be devoted to: pulling the text from the slide show presentation; drafting out an outline for a more fitting storyline; pull appropriate photos to include in the submission package; research the submission requirements; and whatever else I need to do to get A Day at the Marsh into proper format and hands of an loving editor.
I must admit, excited doesn’t begin to explain how I felt when I found new life and a hopeful purpose for some of all those photos I shot off that year, while studying a local marsh. Thank you, Lea. Your guidance was most appreciated.
There are also a few dozen quotes I need to pull together for Pearls of Wisdom’s Winter Update. Plus it deserves a new tagline. The current one is years old. I’m also collecting all the Think Green tips [from past updates], to include in an upcoming Quill of the Heart post. I thought it wise to get them all in one place. So, I’m off for now.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Brain is a Stormy Place

That’s it for now. More soon.
Friday, January 2, 2009
A Year of Renewal
Frustration continues to linger even though I did spend some time earlier this year, coming to terms with the fact that— well, it’s probably better to say I finally realized I’d been mourning the life I’d known and enjoyed, and no longer lived. I miss my hiking and nature photography. I can no longer hover of frogs and geese and dragonflies. I am no longer that person who forgets about time as she hiked woodland trails; lugging a tripod over her shoulder, stepping off trail and exploring, shooting countless rolls film along the way. Getting on the ground to capture images of little horses and miniature goats is an ordeal; one that can leave me in recovery mode on the couch for days.
Yes. Many times throughout the course of any give month or year, our lives get broken. Life interrupts the best laid plans and dreams. And sometimes we merely deal with a situation and then return to the rut we didn't even know we were in. But last year I reluctantly accepted the certain things that I could not change. But what about what I can change? That's where I realized I simply needed to reinvent myself.Many women today feel a sadness we cannot name. Though we accomplish much of what we set out to do, we sense that something is missing in our lives and—fruitlessly—search “out there” for the answer. What’s often wrong is that we are disconnected from an authentic sense of self. ~Emily Hancock
We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. ~Joseph Campbell
Writing has always been a passion. But my health concerns limit and restrict my time. So, I have to make the best use of the time I am able to sit here. And I learned a few things about myself while I pressed on through a week-long writers conference and a month long write-a-thon. That’s where setting goals some can come into play.
But I did spent a great deal of time during my former professional years, learning and coaching the setting of goals. I know the value of taking time to focus on oneself, so that friends, family, and those not yet known, will know the true self I purport at times to be. And it was during my participation in two of the organizational forums throughout the week of Muse2008, that I gave thought to re-establishing this proven practice.
I’m also saving my glass peanut butter jars and plan to puncture a few drainage holes in the lids. I'll see how that works before I search out larger canning jars. Though I'll hit the thrift store before I buy retail. There's also space on the counter to set aside. But I already have lentils, chick peas, and kidney beans on deck and waiting.
I’ve already mapped out my activities for January. For week ending Sunday, 1-11, I’m going to focus on my Emotional Renewal. The week ending 1-18, I’ll focus on renewing Spirit. Week ending 1-25, I have something planned to help renew my Physical self. And for the week ending Saturday, 1-31, I’m going to nourish myself intellectually.
Think Green:.Start saving and recycling emptied glass jars, i.e. peanut butter or jelly jars, and use them instead of so many zip lock bags or disposable plastic storage containers. They are great for left over servings of soup, corn, peas, rice, etc. And that’s less plastic to buy, recycle, or end up in a land-fill.