Never say die! I first discovered NaNoWriMo in 2006. The only year to which I can attach any sort of bragging rights. I won in 2006. Yay! Unfortunately not long after, a virus attacked my PC and I lost everything on my harddrive. Yeppers! All that work-- completely undone. In January of 2007, I fought off a serious SPAM and Malware attack.
It took weeks to get back to normal. And juuust as I was rolling along, ramping up for NaNo2007, my PC monitor died a most untimely death. I never had a chance. But it helped to reinforce my belief in the underhanded [yet purposeful], reasoning of why they 'just don't make things like the used to.' It's not that they can't! Or even that parts and/or labor are cheaper offshore. If they truly did make certain things like they used to, we'd have no reason [new and improved aside] to buy new ones! But that's a whole other Oprah show.
Last year, due to health issues, I simply ran out of physical steam. I need to look up my final word count, but I don't believe I even reached 10K words. This year I'm relying heavily on that old adage about the third time being the charm.
.Sunday last [November 1st] was the ever-precious Day One. Where was I? Sleeping. Friday and Saturday I started coughing, and by Sunday I was a tad bit concerned that it might be the beginnings of the flu. I really don't want to have to deal with the flu right now. Therefore I reasoned it more likely to be a chest cold; as I'm prone [this time of year] to forgetting about a window or two being left open at night. I hate when it's time to start closing up the windows.
Anyway! I digress. I made a trip to the drug store and have since stepped up my intake of vitamins. I pretty much spent Sunday and Monday curled up on the couch, dressed in warm sweaters; underneath a cozy blanket of down. And though I woke up hoarse, yesterday, I actually felt much better. But before I could settle in, and key with wild abandon, I had to address the c:drive.
It started screaming at me again so I backed up and cleared out a few more pdf and Word.doc files. Late in the evening, I finally keyed in some roughed-out handwritten notes and updated 35o [and some odd] words into my NaNo profile. I was ON THE GRID!
... And so it begins!
Today, feeling much, much better, I started NaNo by finding where I left off last year and finished keying in the last half of Chapter Seven: A Run Through the Forest, which happens to be the end of Part One.
I've got a mishmosh of scenarios for the Prologue to Part Two, and I've decided to just key them all in. I'll decide later where and/or how best to use them. For now, I'll close this post with the opening verse of Part Two, The Searching:
Where are you
.who sees this world
..through eyes of emerald green
Who lies in wait
.and shares the pain
..we suffer when we dream
That's pretty much it for me today. I do not intend fretting over being a few days behind at this point. Especially when, in 2006, I didn't even discover the world of NaNoWriMo [that's 50,000 words in 30 days], until almost an entire week into the month. That's the year a won! Remember? And seeing as how it's time for another break, I'll consider the makeup strategy tomorrow...........~Perrie Stevens, Part Two of Caged Heart
..........~Dellasseea N'Syis, The FirstBorn Daughter of the Primal Elements, The First Ones.
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