Yes! It's been way too long since my last post. And I regret having to admit to being overwhelmed by the whole social media networking scene. Trying to keep up with my blog, blogs of friends, Twitter, and Facebook, etc., -- it all just got to be too much. I don't multi-task as well as I used to, and I've needed to learn my limits. More on that later.
For now, I want to use this opportunity to share my recent poetic observations. I wanted to collect a few of my Facebook postings, and share them here; in one place. They began merely as a way of encapsulating the high points of a given morning or afternoon. And knowing my penchant for cadance, it's now become a true exercise in quatrains.
Seeing as how I've reproduced them in the order they appear on my Wall, they may read better from the bottom up. You can see how they began to evolve. Enjoy!

Sept. 20 ~ The Morning Star faded, giving way to yet another day, as the great Day Star rose in the East. And while the Tree Clans hint at the color to come, dark and ominous shadows traverse the sky in the West.
Sept. 19 ~ Cassiopeia showed bright in the pre-Dawn sky, and Clan Sparrow now delights in the newly filled thistle feeder. And while I still recover from my outing to the market, SOMEone dug up ANOTHER patch of freshly sprouted seedlings!
Sept. 15 ~ The newest Fall seedlings are asprout in the garden, and Clan Daddy Long Legs has taken up the Guard in the lettuce Bibb. The girls are bathing in a patch of morning Sun, and there's still more tech stuff to tackle.
Sept. 13 ~ The Winged Ones are afeasting, and Pearl is basking is a patch of morning Sun. Lucy is napping on a chair tucked up under my beading worktable [I don't know how she even gets there], and I MUST tackle the c:drive!
Sept. 11 ~ The Great Day Star radiates and blankets this little corner of the Earth in a gentle warmth. And while the day is still begun, may All face their choices, certain to follow, with Patience and Wisdom and lots of Love.
Sept. 10 ~ Fog continues to blanket the Dawns, and a front now shadows the Sun. And while the Winged Ones are noticeably elsewhere, I make ready to don a thimble to play with needles, pins, and laces.
Sept. 5 ~ The gorgeous full Moon is long set, and the great Day Star shines now in its stead. The Between Ones are achirp at the feeders, and I long for a French Vanilla Cappuccino.
Sept. 2 ~ Dawn's Touch upon the new day wanes as the Sun takes its place in the sky. And as the Winged Ones gather to break their fast, the Waste Management tanks clamor about the neighborhood.
Aug. 26 ~ The Fall berries are forming, and the morning dew sparkles across a Sun-lit lawn. And while the gentle remains of fog slowly dissipate, the Winged Ones are happy with seed.
Aug. 25 ~ The cicadas are singing, while Clan Starling gathers and chatters in the trees. The Ruby Red Lettuce sprouts are juuust turning red. And the Sun is ashine in the sky.
Aug. 20 ~ The Sun now rises behind the tree across the street. Its march to the South and the Autumnal Equinox has begun.
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