Monday, September 1, 2008

Shooting for the Moon

Got Wolf?
Black Rose Writing Contest

If you've got a hot hero/heroine that also happens
turn furry at least once a month,
then Black Rose is looking for your story.
I bowed out of this initially; even while the makings of a storyline swirled and began to pique my interest. With much grace and honesty, though, I responded [to Faith's post] that I just didn't believe I could get that kind of word count to a presentable stage by August 30th. To which she promptly replied with a rudimentary 'thanks for stopping by' that left me properly dejected. I felt I'd just delivered an excuse she hadn't expected.
That same day, I read the VW#7 Writing Life, post found at Paperback Writer. First off, I couldn't believe she wasn't talking directed to me [This I intend to make clearer in an upcoming post.]; and second, about midway through, I shamefully realized I'd quit before even starting. Yes! It stung. And after a much needed moment of reflection, I returned to the Writing Exercise Board to share my epiphany. Faith explained that a recent publishing contract came to her via a contest where, though she did not win, was invited to rework and submit it again. I appreciated her confidence and direction and didn't want to dissappoint her. So, I sucked it up and went for it.
Enter Conall Rheese Fergus and Sophie Lahey, in the work titled: Walks With The Moon. The story just poured out, and I discovered Conall's grandfather, Calvin. I had Radio Rivendell playing in the background, but foucsed on Loreena McKinnett for certain scenes. For one toward the end I had Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata set to play in a loop.
And no. My entry did not make the August 30 deadline. I got stuck on a plot point and simply couldn't figure it out in time. I also failed to include another pertinent contest rule: "All stories must have at least one HOT consummated love scene..." Fair enough. It was, after all, an exercise in Romance.
Unfortunately, [though not intentionally] I skipped out on that one lock, stock and barrel. Because of how one of my rules played out there wasn't going to be a consummation. This and any emotion of love has been long repressed. And since my revisit of said contest rules happened at the eleventh hour, I had no time for the rewrite of such an integral point in the story. Sorry Faith! I had hoped to make you proud.
But. I'm rather heavily invested in this piece now and want to see it through. I really like the characters and one particular twist I'm sure will surprise a few readers. Potential though they may be. So, since I registered for the 2008 Muse Online Writer's Confernence, I'm shooting for October in hopes of having something ready to submit.
That's it for now.